Maximum Special Attack investment ensures Mega Sceptile hits as hard as possible and the Speed EVs and Timid nature allow it to Speed tie with Jolly Mega Beedrill and outspeed Timid Choice Scarf Chandelure. DO NOT use Brave or any other nature that reduces Special Attack or Speed.
252 Atk 200 Spe 48 HP 8 Def.

Best nature sceptile. Mega Sceptile has solidified itself as one of the best revenge killers with its massive Speed stat allowing it to outpace the entire unboosted metagame as well as Choice Scarf users like Gardevoir and Goodra. Timid is usually an ideal nature to have on a Sceptile but it really depends on what your moveset and EV spread is. The first thing I noticed about Sceptile is its high speed and special attack.
Was able to get these mons in apriballs with their Hidden ability but what nature would be the most optimal for these 2 mons. In this guide were covering best Gengar counters for both Tier troubles and the best techniques to overcome it. Most notable and possible best moves for Sceptile.
Unburden Adamant Nature EVs. Hidden Power depends on the type as the move doesnt determine whether its physical or special. Leaf Storm Energy Ball Dragon Pulse Focus Blast Hidden Power Rock.
A Good Moveset for Sceptile would have to be this. I bred mine Timid in hopes that it will be getting an expanded Special move pool. That and I personally like Leaf blade on it more than moves like leaf storm.
Lightning Rod grants Mega Sceptile an immunity to Electric-type attacks making it a perfect switch-in for them. Darmanitan Galarian Zen Reshiram Volcarona Chandelure Darmanitan Standard. In 4th Gen all HPs are special.
Oct 25 2020 Best nature for Nidoqueen and Sceptile. Those are Sceptiles strengths. Personally Id recommend Modest or Timid for in-game probably Timid over Modest for the Battle Frontier.
This Sceptile is for Doubles. Common Effort Values for Sceptile in Sword and Shield. Choice Scarf Modest Heatran Jolly Dugtrio Timid Alakazam TimidJolly Sceptile Timid Raikou Timid Azelf Jolly Ambipom b bTimid Starmie b Modest.
The shitty thing about Sceptile in gen 3 is lack of access to a great STAB attack and a limited movepool. RawstyleEevee 8 months ago 1. Best Nature to have on a Sneasel.
An amazing offensive typing of Grass Dragon and a great ability in Lightning Rod allow it to check the tiers Water- Ground- and Electric-types such as Slowbro Zygarde-10. Additionally unlike most Grass-types Sceptile actually has access to a coverage move not named Hidden Power in the form of Focus Blast which it can use to hit Steel-types and various Sap Sipper Pokemon. If it was wed all be dead.
Its best movesets are typically either subseed or a Swords Dance boosting set but subseed requires breeding Leech Seed is an egg move and Swords Dance is a TM you get from the Battle Frontier. The 5 strongest Pokmon you can use to beat Sceptile are. Dragon Claw Leaf Blade Crunch Hidden Power Fire OR Toxic Items Attached.
While its Adrenaline Orb may seem useless it actually raises its Speed by one stage when Intimidated. It needs to be able to take advantage of the spatk boost from lightning rod when the opportunity arises. It has a decent physical attack but like 90 if the TMs it learns are physical attacks.
PokeAMon 12 years ago 3. This is largely due to its nearly unmatched Speed above-average Special Attack and useful Grass typing. Full physical Sceptile is garbaje Timid or NaiveONLY if you use Mega Sceptile on Showdown are the best natrues.
Running an attack based set is far better for sceptile in my opinion because his movepool is so diverse. Sceptile Sitrus Berry Kee Berry Maranga Berry Figy Berry Ability. Jun 27 2006 Modest Sceptile unbred can pull Leaf BladeDragon ClawGiga DrainThunderpunch one of the better unbred move combinations.
Some Sceptile run Adamant or Jolly if they are physical attackers but if youre looking to be a special attacker or fast staller then Timid is the way to go level 1 maniakb416. May 14 2010. Sceptile is widely regarded as one of the best offensive Pokemon in RU.
Jun 14 2021 Best Nature For Gengar counters are generally solid GHOST PSYCHIC DARK and GROUND Pokemon like Shadow Ball Mewtwo Groudon Zen HeadbuttPsychic Metagross BiteCrunch Tyranitar and Psychic Latios. May 14 2010 Description. HP Dark isnt that good anyways and Sceptile can learn Crunch via Egg moves.
Jul 31 2007 re. Sceptile is a Grass type Pokmon which makes it weak against Fire Flying Poison Bug and Ice moves. This combined with Unburden can make Sceptile VERY hard to deal with.
Sceptile Pokemon Art Cool Pokemon Pokemon
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