Occasionally the humps on this Pokmons back erupt spewing the superheated magma. Its dual-type makes it very powerful with an ideal movepool.
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Magma of 18000 degrees Fahrenheit courses through its body.

Is camerupt good. Camerupt is ok but as mention hes slow as molasses and he doesnt even have any bulk to make up for it. All Camerupt weaknesses Camerupt is a Fire and Ground-type Pokmon. Mega Camerupt is a potent tank that rips through many common threats thanks to a combination of Sheer Force a sky-high Special Attack and powerful STAB attacks as well as a unique Fire Ground typing and impressive defensive stats.
It looks bulky but it isnt - in fact its very glassy. Camerupt has a volcano inside its body. At the moment a dex filler it is.
The 5 strongest Pokmon you can use to beat Camerupt are. Camerupt has a volcano inside its body. Camerupt is ok but as mention hes slow as molasses and he doesnt even have any bulk to make up for it.
Join False Swipe Gaming in this brief overview of Camerupt in competitive Pokemon. Translations from Serebii have Its ability will keep it from being able to sweep on its own but rest assured on a one-on-one basis there are very few Pokemon that can stand up to it. The Mega-Stone that OR AS gave to Camerupt was a blessing and gave it very solid defenses of 75 100 105.
Camerupt is very strong and can be very defensive. Seriously use any Mega Evolution other than Mega Camerupt. Camerupt is a combination of camel and erupt.
Camerupt has a volcano inside its body. Sharpedo would often win off of one strike alone. The humps on Camerupts back are formed by a transformation of its bones.
Alternatively you can use Overheat for similar power but it will result in a reduction of power. Magma of 18000 degrees Fahrenheit courses through its body. The humps on Camerupts back are formed by a transformation of its bones.
Today We will be taking an in depth look on Mega Camerupt and discussing its positives and negatives as well as if Mega Camerupt is the worst Mega Pokemon e. Hell Ninetales can take hits better than he can not to mention its faster and doesnt have a double weakness. Ad Find Deals on Products in Toys.
Camerupt is a good choice but if you plan on using Aggron he can learn Rock Slide and Earthquake instead. Hell Ninetales can take hits better than he can not to mention its faster and doesnt. Of fur resembles that of male wild yaks.
Because of this and its unique typing Camerupt can be used effectively as a Tank for troublesome Grass-types Electric-types and Steel-types. Because of the random EV spread hell be slightly faster than many of the pokemon you encounter. Considering its stats alone it is not very good but it moveset kinda makes it up for that.
After the ban of Camerupt and its mega-stone in NU it moved to greener pastures in RU. Camerupt is todays Pokemon for our competitive history series. Occasionally the humps on this Pokmons back erupt spewing the superheated magma.
Camerupt has a x4 weakness to water attacks and is very slow. Its dual typing at the cost of introducing a double weakness to Water offers no benefit. Camerupt has good moves but is limited due to its poor stats.
Camerupts redeeming quality is rather good type coverage so at the end it can prove useful as second tier GrassSteelBug or Ice raid boss type attacker. Bakuuda is a combination of 爆弾 bakudan or 爆発 bakuhatsu explosion or eruption and 駱駝 rakuda camel. As individual pokemon it depends.
They sometimes blast out molten magma. For XD hes a pretty good fire type. Camerupt resembles a Bactrian camel with volcanoes on its back instead of humps.
What does Camerupt evolve into. Kingler Kyogre Crawdaunt Clawitzer Sharpedo. If the two are battling each other sharpedo wins most of the time.
They sometimes blast out molten magma. Magma of 18000 degrees Fahrenheit courses through its body. He also learns EQ naturally which is a plus.
Eruption is a decent option especially in Trick Rooms so Camerupt can move first unencumbered by health loss causing ridiculous damage that will OHKO practically everything weak to it or 2HKO most of the things that dont resist it. The humps on Camerupts back are formed by a transformation of its bones. Both are great pokemon but Camerupt is better overall.
It will be weak against Ground and Water-type moves but it is resistant against Bug Electric Fairy Fire Poison and. Occasionally the humps on this Pokmons back erupt spewing the superheated magma. Mega Camerupt can tank hits from Pokemon like Raikou and Salazzle while staying healthy with the combination of Rest and Sleep Talk.
Camerupt is a FireGround type Pokmon which makes it especially weak against Water moves and weak against Ground moves. They sometimes blast out molten magma. Unfortunately Mega Camerupts subpar stats outside of its Special Attack and weak defensive typing mean that it will rarely ever succeed in a serious RU battle.
Camerupt is as expected mid tier Pokemon.
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